Few years back I had written a 4 bit converter for conversion between Gray and Binary codes. After receiving much positive response I decided to write a generic version of the same.
Let me share the codes...
Binary to Gray Code Converter:
//Binary to Gray code Converter
//The 'parameter' keyword below is how we give the inputs/outputs a generic size.
module bin2gray #(parameter N = 4)
( input [N-1:0] bin, //binary input
output [N-1:0] G); //Gray output
assign G[N-1] = bin[N-1];
//generate xor gates.
//the loop index need to be declared as 'genvar' and it can be done
//as you can see inside the 'for' loop.
//The instantiation is labelled as 'xor_gates_b2g'.
//Always put a label when you generate instantiations.
//The 'generate' keyword need not be explicitly written.
for(genvar i=N-2;i>=0;i=i-1) begin : xor_gates_b2g
Gray Code to Binary Converter:
//Gray code to Binary Converter
module gray2bin #(parameter N = 4)
( input [N-1:0] G, //Gray input
output [N-1:0] bin); //Binary output
assign bin[N-1] = G[N-1];
for(genvar i=N-2;i>=0;i=i-1) begin : xor_gates_g2b
//Testbench which connects both the converters back to back.
module tb; //testbench module is always empty.
parameter N = 16; //Change this to control the number of bits in the input/output.
reg [N-1:0] bin;
wire [N-1:0] G,bin_out;
reg [N:0] i;
integer error; //this counts the number of errors during simulation.
//Both the converters are connected back to back to see the binary input going to the
//first module is the same as the output coming out of the second module.
bin2gray #(.N(N)) uut1
gray2bin #(.N(N)) uut2
error = 0; //initialize the error as zero.
for(i=0;i<2**N;i=i+1) begin //loop through all the available inputs
bin = i[N-1:0];
//Count the number of errors.It should be zero at the end of simulation.
if(bin != bin_out)
error = error + 1;
$stop; //All possible inputs are tested. So stop the simulation.
The codes were tested using Modelsim 10.4a version. Simply change the value of the parameter 'N' in the testbench to test for different sized converters.
A screenshot of the simulation waveform is shown below:
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