Long back I had posted a simple matrix multiplier which works well in simulation but couldn't be synthesized. But many people had requested for a synthesizable version of this code. So here we go.
The design takes two matrices of 3 by 3 and outputs a matrix of 3 by 3. Each element is stored as 8 bits. This is not a generic multiplier, but if you understand the code well, you can easily extend it for different sized matrices.
Each matrix has 9 elements, each of which is 8 bits in size. So I am passing the matrix as a 72 bit 1-Dimensional array in the design. The following table shows how the 2-D elements are mapped into the 1-D array.
Row | Column | Bit’s Position in 1-D array |
0 | 0 | 7:0 |
0 | 1 | 15:8 |
0 | 2 | 23:16 |
1 | 0 | 31:24 |
1 | 1 | 39:32 |
1 | 2 | 47:40 |
2 | 0 | 55:48 |
2 | 1 | 63:56 |
2 | 2 | 71:64 |
Let me share the codes now...
//3 by 3 matrix multiplier. Each element of the matrix is 8 bit wide.//Inputs are named A and B and output is named as C.//Each matrix has 9 elements each of which is 8 bit wide. So the inputs is 9*8=72 bit long.module matrix_mult( input Clock,input reset, //active high resetinput Enable, //This should be High throughout the matrix multiplication process.input [71:0] A,input [71:0] B,output reg [71:0] C,output reg done //A High indicates that multiplication is done and result is availble at C.);//temperory registers.reg signed [7:0] matA [2:0][2:0];reg signed [7:0] matB [2:0][2:0];reg signed [7:0] matC [2:0][2:0];integer i,j,k; //loop indicesreg first_cycle; //indicates its the first clock cycle after Enable went High.reg end_of_mult; //indicates multiplication has ended.reg signed [15:0] temp; //a temeporary register to hold the product of two elements.//Matrix multiplication.always @(posedge Clock or posedge reset)beginif(reset == 1) begin //Active high reseti = 0;j = 0;k = 0;temp = 0;first_cycle = 1;end_of_mult = 0;done = 0;//Initialize all the matrix register elements to zero.for(i=0;i<=2;i=i+1) beginfor(j=0;j<=2;j=j+1) beginmatA[i][j] = 8'd0;matB[i][j] = 8'd0;matC[i][j] = 8'd0;endendendelse begin //for the positve edge of Clock.if(Enable == 1) //Any action happens only when Enable is High.if(first_cycle == 1) begin //the very first cycle after Enable is high.//the matrices which are in a 1-D array are converted to 2-D matrices first.for(i=0;i<=2;i=i+1) beginfor(j=0;j<=2;j=j+1) beginmatA[i][j] = A[(i*3+j)*8+:8];matB[i][j] = B[(i*3+j)*8+:8];matC[i][j] = 8'd0;endend//re-initalize registers before the start of multiplication.first_cycle = 0;end_of_mult = 0;temp = 0;i = 0;j = 0;k = 0;endelse if(end_of_mult == 0) begin //multiplication hasnt ended. Keep multiplying.//Actual matrix multiplication starts from now on.temp = matA[i][k]*matB[k][j];matC[i][j] = matC[i][j] + temp[7:0]; //Lower half of the product is accumulatively added to form the result.if(k == 2) begink = 0;if(j == 2) beginj = 0;if (i == 2) begini = 0;end_of_mult = 1;endelsei = i + 1;endelsej = j+1;endelsek = k+1;endelse if(end_of_mult == 1) begin //End of multiplication has reached//convert 3 by 3 matrix into a 1-D matrix.for(i=0;i<=2;i=i+1) begin //run through the rowsfor(j=0;j<=2;j=j+1) begin //run through the columnsC[(i*3+j)*8+:8] = matC[i][j];endenddone = 1; //Set this output High, to say that C has the final result.endendendendmodule
//Testbench for testing the 3 by 3 matrix multiplier.module tb_matrix_mult; //testbench module is always empty. No input or output ports.reg [71:0] A;reg [71:0] B;wire [71:0] C;reg Clock,reset, Enable;wire done;reg [7:0] matC [2:0][2:0];integer i,j;parameter Clock_period = 10; //Change clock period here.initialbeginClock = 1;reset = 1;#100; //Apply reset for 100 ns before applying inputs.reset = 0;#Clock_period;//input matrices are set and Enable input is set HighA = {8'd9,8'd8,8'd7,8'd6,8'd5,8'd4,8'd3,8'd2,8'd1};B = {8'd1,8'd9,8'd8,8'd7,8'd6,8'd5,8'd4,8'd3,8'd2};Enable = 1;wait(done); //wait until 'done' output goes High.//The result C should be (93,150,126,57,96,81,21,42,36)#(Clock_period/2); //wait for half a clock cycle.//convert the 1-D matrix into 2-D format to easily verify the results.for(i=0;i<=2;i=i+1) beginfor(j=0;j<=2;j=j+1) beginmatC[i][j] = C[(i*3+j)*8+:8];endend#Clock_period; //wait for one clock cycle.Enable = 0; //reset Enable.#Clock_period;$stop; //Stop the simulation, as we have finished testing the design.end//generate a 50Mhz clock for testing the design.always #(Clock_period/2) Clock <= ~Clock;//Instantiate the matrix multipliermatrix_mult matrix_multiplier(.Clock(Clock),.reset(reset),.Enable(Enable),.A(A),.B(B),.C(C),.done(done));endmodule //End of testbench.
Simulation Results:
The design was simulated successfully using Modelsim SE 10.4a version. Screenshot of the simulation waveform is shown below:
Please let me know if you are unable to get the code to work or if its not synthesisable. Good luck with your projects.
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