Lets say we have N input bits to a decoder, the number of output bits will be equal to 2^N.
In this blog post, we implement a 3:8 decoder using behavioral modelling. We use case statements for this purpose. The number of input bits are 3 and number of output bits are 8.
3:8 Decoder:
//declare the Verilog module - The inputs and output port names.
module decoder3to8(
//what are the input ports and their sizes.
input [2:0] Data_in;
//what are the output ports and their sizes.
output [7:0] Data_out;
//Internal variables
reg [7:0] Data_out;
//Whenever there is a change in the Data_in, execute the always block.
always @(Data_in)
case (Data_in) //case statement. Check all the 8 combinations.
3'b000 : Data_out = 8'b00000001;
3'b001 : Data_out = 8'b00000010;
3'b010 : Data_out = 8'b00000100;
3'b011 : Data_out = 8'b00001000;
3'b100 : Data_out = 8'b00010000;
3'b101 : Data_out = 8'b00100000;
3'b110 : Data_out = 8'b01000000;
3'b111 : Data_out = 8'b10000000;
//To make sure that latches are not created create a default value for output.
default : Data_out = 8'b00000000;
Testbench for testing 3:8 Decoder:
//This is a testbench code used for testing the 3:8 decoder module.
//Since its a testbench code we dont need to define any inputs or outputs for the block.
module tb_decoder;
// Declaring Inputs
reg [2:0] Data_in;
// Declaring Outputs
wire [7:0] Data_out;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
decoder3to8 uut (
initial begin
//Apply Input and wait for 100 ns
Data_in = 3'b000; #100;
Data_in = 3'b001; #100;
Data_in = 3'b010; #100;
Data_in = 3'b011; #100;
Data_in = 3'b100; #100;
Data_in = 3'b101; #100;
Data_in = 3'b110; #100;
Data_in = 3'b111; #100;
Simulated Waveform:
When the codes are correctly simulated in Xilinx ISE, you will get the following waveform.
Thanks a lot!
ReplyDeleteIt gives me wonderful ideas to write all modules and test bench for all cercuits.
Nice information!!