Full adder is a basic combinational circuit which is extensively used in many designs. They are the basic building blocks for all kinds of adders. A full adder adds three input bits, to give out, two output bits - Sum and Carry. They have the following truth table:
A full adder can be implemented using two half adders and one two input OR gate. So what is a half adder? A Half adder adds two inputs bits, to give one Sum and one Carry output bit. Half adders have the following truth table and logic circuit.
Half Adder:
//Declare the ports of Half adder module
module half_adder(
//what are the input ports.
input Data_in_A;
input Data_in_B;
//What are the output ports.
output Data_out_Sum;
output Data_out_Carry;
//Implement the Sum and Carry equations using Verilog Bit operators.
assign Data_out_Sum = Data_in_A ^ Data_in_B; //XOR operation
assign Data_out_Carry = Data_in_A & Data_in_B; //AND operation
Full Adder:
A Full adder can be implemented using half adders as shown below:
The Verilog code can be written in structural modelling for the above circuit.
//declare the Full adder verilog module.
module full_adder(
Data_in_A, //input A
Data_in_B, //input B
Data_in_C, //input C
//what are the input ports.
input Data_in_A;
input Data_in_B;
input Data_in_C;
//What are the output ports.
output Data_out_Sum;
output Data_out_Carry;
//Internal variables
wire ha1_sum;
wire ha2_sum;
wire ha1_carry;
wire ha2_carry;
wire Data_out_Sum;
wire Data_out_Carry;
//Instantiate the half adder 1
half_adder ha1(
//Instantiate the half adder 2
half_adder ha2(
//sum output from 2nd half adder is connected to full adder output
assign Data_out_Sum = ha2_sum;
//The carry's from both the half adders are OR'ed to get the final carry./
assign Data_out_Carry = ha1_carry | ha2_carry;
Testbench Code for Full Adder:
module tb_fullAdd;
// Inputs
reg Data_in_A;
reg Data_in_B;
reg Data_in_C;
// Outputs
wire Data_out_Sum;
wire Data_out_Carry;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
full_adder uut (
initial begin
//Apply inputs. 8 combinations of inputs are possible.
//They are given below.
Data_in_A = 0; Data_in_B = 0; Data_in_C = 0; #100;
Data_in_A = 0; Data_in_B = 0; Data_in_C = 1; #100;
Data_in_A = 0; Data_in_B = 1; Data_in_C = 0; #100;
Data_in_A = 0; Data_in_B = 1; Data_in_C = 1; #100;
Data_in_A = 1; Data_in_B = 0; Data_in_C = 0; #100;
Data_in_A = 1; Data_in_B = 0; Data_in_C = 1; #100;
Data_in_A = 1; Data_in_B = 1; Data_in_C = 0; #100;
Data_in_A = 1; Data_in_B = 1; Data_in_C = 1; #100;
Simulated Waveform:
The code was synthesised and simulated in Xilinx ISE 13.1. The waveform is shown below:
A full adder can be implemented using two half adders and one two input OR gate. So what is a half adder? A Half adder adds two inputs bits, to give one Sum and one Carry output bit. Half adders have the following truth table and logic circuit.
Half Adder:
//Declare the ports of Half adder module
module half_adder(
//what are the input ports.
input Data_in_A;
input Data_in_B;
//What are the output ports.
output Data_out_Sum;
output Data_out_Carry;
//Implement the Sum and Carry equations using Verilog Bit operators.
assign Data_out_Sum = Data_in_A ^ Data_in_B; //XOR operation
assign Data_out_Carry = Data_in_A & Data_in_B; //AND operation
Full Adder:
A Full adder can be implemented using half adders as shown below:
//declare the Full adder verilog module.
module full_adder(
Data_in_A, //input A
Data_in_B, //input B
Data_in_C, //input C
//what are the input ports.
input Data_in_A;
input Data_in_B;
input Data_in_C;
//What are the output ports.
output Data_out_Sum;
output Data_out_Carry;
//Internal variables
wire ha1_sum;
wire ha2_sum;
wire ha1_carry;
wire ha2_carry;
wire Data_out_Sum;
wire Data_out_Carry;
//Instantiate the half adder 1
half_adder ha1(
//Instantiate the half adder 2
half_adder ha2(
//sum output from 2nd half adder is connected to full adder output
assign Data_out_Sum = ha2_sum;
//The carry's from both the half adders are OR'ed to get the final carry./
assign Data_out_Carry = ha1_carry | ha2_carry;
Testbench Code for Full Adder:
module tb_fullAdd;
// Inputs
reg Data_in_A;
reg Data_in_B;
reg Data_in_C;
// Outputs
wire Data_out_Sum;
wire Data_out_Carry;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
full_adder uut (
initial begin
//Apply inputs. 8 combinations of inputs are possible.
//They are given below.
Data_in_A = 0; Data_in_B = 0; Data_in_C = 0; #100;
Data_in_A = 0; Data_in_B = 0; Data_in_C = 1; #100;
Data_in_A = 0; Data_in_B = 1; Data_in_C = 0; #100;
Data_in_A = 0; Data_in_B = 1; Data_in_C = 1; #100;
Data_in_A = 1; Data_in_B = 0; Data_in_C = 0; #100;
Data_in_A = 1; Data_in_B = 0; Data_in_C = 1; #100;
Data_in_A = 1; Data_in_B = 1; Data_in_C = 0; #100;
Data_in_A = 1; Data_in_B = 1; Data_in_C = 1; #100;
Simulated Waveform:
The code was synthesised and simulated in Xilinx ISE 13.1. The waveform is shown below:
What will be the command in mac terminal to run this code?
ReplyDeleteyou need simulation tool to run this code.