An up/down counter is a digital counter which can be set to count either from 0 to MAX_VALUE or MAX_VALUE to 0. The direction of the count(mode) is selected using a single bit input.
In this post, I have shared the Verilog code for a 4 bit up/down counter. The module has 3 inputs - Clk, reset which is active high and a UpOrDown mode input. The output is Counter which is 4 bit in size.
4 bit UP/DOWN Counter:
//Verilog module for UpDown counter
//When Up mode is selected, counter counts from 0 to 15 and then again from 0 to 15.
//When Down mode is selected, counter counts from 15 to 0 and then again from 15 to 0.
//Changing mode doesn't reset the Count value to zero.
//You have apply high value to reset, to reset the Counter output.
module upordown_counter(
UpOrDown, //high for UP counter and low for Down counter
//input ports and their sizes
input Clk,reset,UpOrDown;
//output ports and their size
output [3 : 0] Count;
//Internal variables
reg [3 : 0] Count = 0;
always @(posedge(Clk) or posedge(reset))
if(reset == 1)
Count <= 0;
if(UpOrDown == 1) //Up mode selected
if(Count == 15)
Count <= 0;
Count <= Count + 1; //Incremend Counter
else //Down mode selected
if(Count == 0)
Count <= 15;
Count <= Count - 1; //Decrement counter
Testbench for counter:
module tb_counter;
// Inputs
reg Clk;
reg reset;
reg UpOrDown;
// Outputs
wire [3:0] Count;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
upordown_counter uut (
//Generate clock with 10 ns clk period.
initial Clk = 0;
always #5 Clk = ~Clk;
initial begin
// Apply Inputs
reset = 0;
UpOrDown = 0;
UpOrDown = 1;
reset = 1;
UpOrDown = 0;
reset = 0;
Simulation waveform:
The codes when simulated correctly, will show the following waveform in Xilinx ISE 13.1
In this post, I have shared the Verilog code for a 4 bit up/down counter. The module has 3 inputs - Clk, reset which is active high and a UpOrDown mode input. The output is Counter which is 4 bit in size.
4 bit UP/DOWN Counter:
//Verilog module for UpDown counter
//When Up mode is selected, counter counts from 0 to 15 and then again from 0 to 15.
//When Down mode is selected, counter counts from 15 to 0 and then again from 15 to 0.
//Changing mode doesn't reset the Count value to zero.
//You have apply high value to reset, to reset the Counter output.
module upordown_counter(
UpOrDown, //high for UP counter and low for Down counter
//input ports and their sizes
input Clk,reset,UpOrDown;
//output ports and their size
output [3 : 0] Count;
//Internal variables
reg [3 : 0] Count = 0;
always @(posedge(Clk) or posedge(reset))
if(reset == 1)
Count <= 0;
if(UpOrDown == 1) //Up mode selected
if(Count == 15)
Count <= 0;
Count <= Count + 1; //Incremend Counter
else //Down mode selected
if(Count == 0)
Count <= 15;
Count <= Count - 1; //Decrement counter
Testbench for counter:
module tb_counter;
// Inputs
reg Clk;
reg reset;
reg UpOrDown;
// Outputs
wire [3:0] Count;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
upordown_counter uut (
//Generate clock with 10 ns clk period.
initial Clk = 0;
always #5 Clk = ~Clk;
initial begin
// Apply Inputs
reset = 0;
UpOrDown = 0;
UpOrDown = 1;
reset = 1;
UpOrDown = 0;
reset = 0;
Simulation waveform:
The codes when simulated correctly, will show the following waveform in Xilinx ISE 13.1
May i ask for 2-bit binary up/down counter that will reset the clk backward after 1 cycle?