A multiplexer (or mux) is a device that selects one of several input signals and forwards the selected input into a single output line. In some previous posts, I have shared the Verilog code for 2:1 MUX's using Behavioral modelling and Gate level modelling. You might have to use either of these codes in this example.
In this post, I demonstrate structural level coding using Verilog. I use the 2:1 MUX's to create a 4:1 MUX. A 4:1 MUX has 4 input bits, a 2 bit select signal and one single output bit. It can be implemented using three 2:1 MUX's as shown below:
Image from here.
4:1 MUX Structural level Design:
//Declare the ports of the module
module mux4to1(
//list the inputs and their sizes
input Data_in_0;
input Data_in_1;
input Data_in_2;
input Data_in_3;
input [1:0] sel;
//list the outputs and their sizes
output Data_out;
//Instantiate the mux for selecting between input 0 or 1.
mux2to1 low_mux (
.sel(sel[0]), //LSB of sel is connected here
//Instantiate the mux for selecting between input 2 or 3.
mux2to1 high_mux (
.sel(sel[0]), //LSB of sel is connected here
//Instantiate the mux for selecting between low or high mux output
mux2to1 last_mux (
.sel(sel[1]), //MSB of sel is connected here
.Data_out(Data_out) //The output of module is connected here.
module mux4to1(
//list the inputs and their sizes
input Data_in_0;
input Data_in_1;
input Data_in_2;
input Data_in_3;
input [1:0] sel;
//list the outputs and their sizes
output Data_out;
//Instantiate the mux for selecting between input 0 or 1.
mux2to1 low_mux (
.sel(sel[0]), //LSB of sel is connected here
//Instantiate the mux for selecting between input 2 or 3.
mux2to1 high_mux (
.sel(sel[0]), //LSB of sel is connected here
//Instantiate the mux for selecting between low or high mux output
mux2to1 last_mux (
.sel(sel[1]), //MSB of sel is connected here
.Data_out(Data_out) //The output of module is connected here.
Testbench for 4:1 MUX
module tb_tm;
// Inputs
reg Data_in_0;
reg Data_in_1;
reg Data_in_2;
reg Data_in_3;
reg [1:0] sel;
// Outputs
wire Data_out;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
mux4to1 uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
Data_in_0 = 0;
Data_in_1 = 0;
Data_in_2 = 0;
Data_in_3 = 0;
sel = 0;
Data_in_0 = 1; #100;
Data_in_0 = 0; Data_in_1 = 1; #100; sel = 1; #100;
Data_in_1 = 0; Data_in_2 = 1; #100; sel = 2; #100;
Data_in_2 = 0; Data_in_3 = 1; #100; sel = 3; #100;
// Inputs
reg Data_in_0;
reg Data_in_1;
reg Data_in_2;
reg Data_in_3;
reg [1:0] sel;
// Outputs
wire Data_out;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
mux4to1 uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
Data_in_0 = 0;
Data_in_1 = 0;
Data_in_2 = 0;
Data_in_3 = 0;
sel = 0;
Data_in_0 = 1; #100;
Data_in_0 = 0; Data_in_1 = 1; #100; sel = 1; #100;
Data_in_1 = 0; Data_in_2 = 1; #100; sel = 2; #100;
Data_in_2 = 0; Data_in_3 = 1; #100; sel = 3; #100;
Simulation waveform:
I used Xilinx ISE 13.1 for simulation.
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