BCD or Binary-coded decimal is a class of binary encodings of decimal numbers where each decimal digit is represented by four bits. This format is useful for displaying a value in a seven segment display or LCD panel.
To convert a binary number to BCD format, we can use an algorithm called Double Dabble. In this post I have written a Verilog code for converting a 8 bit binary number into BCD format. The maximum value of a 8 bit binary number is 255 in decimal. This means we need 3 BCD digits in the output. So I have chosen the size of the output as 3 digits*4 bits = 12 bits.
Note that I am not using a clock in this module. Everything is combinational. As the binary input gets bigger in size, this might use up a lot of resources and will result in more combinational path delay. I suggest as a home work, try to re-write the below code by adding a Clock to the module.
Binary to BCD converter:
module bin2bcd(
//input ports and their sizes
input [7:0] bin;
//output ports and, their size
output [11:0] bcd;
//Internal variables
reg [11 : 0] bcd;
reg [3:0] i;
//Always block - implement the Double Dabble algorithm
always @(bin)
bcd = 0; //initialize bcd to zero.
for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i+1) //run for 8 iterations
bcd = {bcd[10:0],bin[7-i]}; //concatenation
//if a hex digit of 'bcd' is more than 4, add 3 to it.
if(i < 7 && bcd[3:0] > 4)
bcd[3:0] = bcd[3:0] + 3;
if(i < 7 && bcd[7:4] > 4)
bcd[7:4] = bcd[7:4] + 3;
if(i < 7 && bcd[11:8] > 4)
bcd[11:8] = bcd[11:8] + 3;
//input ports and their sizes
input [7:0] bin;
//output ports and, their size
output [11:0] bcd;
//Internal variables
reg [11 : 0] bcd;
reg [3:0] i;
//Always block - implement the Double Dabble algorithm
always @(bin)
bcd = 0; //initialize bcd to zero.
for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i+1) //run for 8 iterations
bcd = {bcd[10:0],bin[7-i]}; //concatenation
//if a hex digit of 'bcd' is more than 4, add 3 to it.
if(i < 7 && bcd[3:0] > 4)
bcd[3:0] = bcd[3:0] + 3;
if(i < 7 && bcd[7:4] > 4)
bcd[7:4] = bcd[7:4] + 3;
if(i < 7 && bcd[11:8] > 4)
bcd[11:8] = bcd[11:8] + 3;
Testbench Code:
module tb_bin2bcd;
// Input
reg [7:0] bin;
// Output
wire [11:0] bcd;
// Extra variables
reg [8:0] i;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
bin2bcd uut (
//Simulation - Apply inputs
initial begin
//A for loop for checking all the input combinations.
bin = i;
#10; //wait for 10 ns.
$finish; //system function for stoping the simulation.
// Input
reg [7:0] bin;
// Output
wire [11:0] bcd;
// Extra variables
reg [8:0] i;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
bin2bcd uut (
//Simulation - Apply inputs
initial begin
//A for loop for checking all the input combinations.
bin = i;
#10; //wait for 10 ns.
$finish; //system function for stoping the simulation.
Simulation Waveform:
The code was synthesised and simulated using Xilinx ISE 13.1. A part of the waveform looked like this:
bin = "01100011" , output = "0000 1001 1001" (99).
bin = "11111110" , output = "0010 0101 0100" (254).
bin = "10111011" , output = "0001 1000 0111" (187).
Note :- The code can be modified to convert any length binary number to BCD digits.This require only very little change in the code.
why i<7 condition inside if block is taken??
ReplyDeleteOtherwise it can't show more than 6.. at last iteration it changes the values over 6 to values 10 and above.